Get winter ready – How Nutrition Can help Prevent Common Colds
Are there actually supplements that work to fight off an infection or lessen its symptoms?
So Can nutrition prevent common colds?
So how can nutrition prevent colds? There is no fool proof way to prevent the cold or flu.
However, you can arm yourself with a healthy immune system through a proper diet and exercise that can support you in maintaining health throughout the winter months.
Various probiotics have been shown to interact with immune system cells. Certain probiotics might help prevent upper respiratory infections, with studies done on children, and the elderly, Probiotics may help prevent infections of the upper respiratory tract, evidence is mixed at this stage though. Nevertheless probiotics can be beneficial for a range of conditions.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is the go-to supplement for preventing and treating colds. It makes sense: vitamin C helps immune cells form and function properly, and also supports our physical barriers against pathogens. At least 148 studies have found that vitamin C administration helps prevent infections caused by microorganisms.
People who take vitamin C regularly can expect shorter colds and less severe symptoms.
Athletes who take vitamin C regularly are half as likely to catch a cold as athletes who don’t. Only people who “perform regular or acute bouts of intense exercise” seem to enjoy this benefit.
Mega dosing of Vitamin C (this is a dose of a few grams per day) – Must be done with supervision. This can fight infections when you already have them. Studies show amazing benefits for large doses of Vitamin C.The relationship between vitamin C dosage and its effects on the duration of the common cold symptoms may extend to 6-8 grams per day.
Dozens of studies using different animal species have found that vitamin C significantly prevents and alleviates infections caused by diverse bacteria, viruses, and protozoa. Given the universal nature of the effect of vitamin C against various infections in different animal species, it also seems evident that vitamin C influences the susceptibility to, and the severity of infections in humans.
Vitamin D
Studies show an association between low vitamin D levels and a higher risk of viral infections of the upper respiratory tract (URT). Taking vitamin D could help prevent asthma symptoms as well as URT infections.Vitamin D serves many functions in the body, and a deficiency seems to impair immunity.
Zinc plays many roles in the body — including several in the immune system alone. If you easily catch colds, make sure get enough zinc in your diet.Zinc lozenges can reduce the duration of the common cold when taken within 24 hours of symptom onset. Taking zinc lozenges throughout the day, starting from the very first symptoms of a cold, may reduce the duration of the illness, but supplementation should not exceed 100 mg of zinc per day for a week. Zinc supplements can be taken during winter to bolster the immune system and help prevent infection.
Reaching for a supplement or two can be a quick and simple way to help defend yourself against the cold and flu. For prevention or treatment, however, even taking the best supplements won’t help as much as …
1.Eating a healthy, nutrient-dense diet.
2.Sleeping enough and managing stress.
3.Staying away from sick people as much as possible.
4.Washing your hands, especially before touching your face.
Get in touch for an appointment, for a personalised winter wellness plan.
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